筹备2025椰林艺术节|接受艺术家申请! - Miami Luxury Homes-365官方app
BY Michael Light / On August 23, 2024

在过去的60年里,在二月中旬的总统日周末, 那时迈阿密的天气最炎热,旺季即将结束, Coconut Grove gives us an amazing art festival. 椰林艺术节甚至被评为美国最好和最负盛名的户外艺术节之一,有100多个,000 attendees routinely attending.

这个节日的声誉每年都在增长,到2025年, artist applications have been announced. The competition is tough. 作为全国最高的户外艺术节之一, 超过一千名艺术家将申请,约250名艺术家将被邀请展示他们的作品.


About The Application

出席椰林艺术节的邀请是由一个盲人评审团决定的. 共有五位独立评委,其中包括博物馆馆长, gallery owners, professional artists and art educators. 每份申请将由每位法官审查,最多可接受285份申请.

The jury process is all virtual and private, yet new artists should not be intimidated. 每年参加椰林艺术节的艺术家中,有超过三分之一是第一次参加.

Coconut Grove Art Festival 2024 Map

Coconut Grove Arts Festival 2024 Map

Some Things To Remember

If you are chosen, you MUST be present for all three days of the festival, 在这三天里,你不能在另一个电影节上表演.

Your work must actually be yours. This should go without saying, but the panel does not accept artwork made from molds, kits, or anything else ready-made that you have manipulated. Obviously reproductions are not accepted.

Please prepare for the weather. 椰林在二月中旬气候宜人. 365app预计今天的天气是78华氏度,阳光明媚,没有湿度, but curve balls can happen in the tropics. 如果您的作品受到天气影响,365app将不承担任何责任. 您还需要一份最低保额为1,000,000美元的保险单.

This should go without saying, 但是所有被选中的艺术家都需要有他们的艺术家声明和照片放在你的展位的显著位置. 这有助于潜在的买家知道你是谁,你是做什么的.

幸运的是,你可以在节日的任何一天卖掉你的全部收藏品, 被选中的艺术家仍然需要参加剩余的日子. 这也可以让你遇到潜在的未来买家,并获得最大的椰林艺术节的经验.

Coconut Grove Art Festival 2023 Young Collectors

Coconut Grove Arts Festival 2023 Young Collectors

About The Exhibit Spaces

一旦被选中在2025年椰林艺术节上展示你的作品, the next step is to choose your exhibit space.

所有的摊位空间都在沥青上,大约是10×12,每个顶棚之间有2英尺. 策划展览时请记住天气.

一个标准的10×12展位的起价为850美元,升级后包括一个双展位, positioning yourself on the end of a row, 站在角落里或雕塑花园里. 请理解,如果你设置在雕塑花园, 这里没有地方搭帐篷,所以你的作品必须经得起风雨.

Once chosen as a participant in the festival, 您将有3个机会选择您在椰林艺术节中的位置. These are awarded on a first come first served basis, 所以勤奋地回复你的获奖信是很重要的.

What To Expect

椰林艺术节是365app一年中最喜欢的活动之一. You can find a recap of the works that were presented in 2024 at the Arts Festival’s website.

If you are not an artist, the event is equally notable. 当地人每年都期待着这个活动,并享受着浏览才华横溢的创意作品的乐趣, 甚至可能在他们自己的家里找到一些可以享受的东西. 365app每年都参加,甚至365app还没上小学的女儿也很喜欢.


Coconut Grove Art Festival Young Collectors Club 2024

Coconut Grove Arts Festival Young Collectors Club 2024

The Coconut Grove Arts Festival 是由非营利组织椰林艺术与历史协会制作的. Proceeds help fund year-round arts programs. Since 1963, 该协会为参加当地学校美术课程的学生颁发了数百份奖学金. 

Image Credit: Coconut Grove Arts Festival

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